Saturday, April 5, 2014

Crepe Montagne

116 - 4368 Main Street
Whistler, BC

For my birthday, W treated me to the Scandinave Spa up at Whistler!! What an awesome fiancé (now husband!) eh? We only planned an overnight trip so we didn't have much time to venture around.

I found Crepe Montagne on the Internet and it seemed like a quaint place to have breakfast so off we went to Whistler village before our spa day!

Crepe Montagne states that they are an authentic French creperie. In addition to sweet and savoury crepes, they also serve Western style breakfasts, raclette, cheese and chocolate fondues, and ice-cream sundaes.

Since their namesake has "crepe" in it, W and I both decided not to deviate and just stick to their savoury crepes for breakfast.

Slalom ($11.95) - 1 egg, Ham or Canadian Bacon, 3 cheeses and fresh tomato

There weren't any photos of their crepes so I was expecting one of those triangular folded crepes with the ingredients tucked inside. To my surprise, it was square folded crepe that has an egg enveloped inside and the ingredients on top like a pizza! Regardless of the construction, this was still one tasty crepe. The crepes here are of the buckwheat variety and it's a nice change from regular flour as it adds a slight nuttiness to the flavour. The gooey, melted cheese under the lean, but juicy, Canadian bacon and the fresh tomatoes creates a delicious breakfast that satisfies the four food groups!

Freestyle ($11.95) - 1 egg, Ham or Canadian Bacon and 3 cheeses

W chose the Freestyle which basically is the Slalom without tomatoes. W does not like to eat tomatoes =P The crepe at the edges were a bit dry because the toppings and the egg inside didn't reach all the corners. The browned, crispy cheese crisps stuck to the side were really addictive though!

I really liked Crepe Montagne. The servers were warm and attentive and the décor of the restaurant was also charming with a rustic flair. The crepes, although not anything to-die for, were simple and yummy and we left with our tummies filled without a greasy feeling in our mouths. It felt like a healthy and delicious way to start our spa day!

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